My Journey To Becoming A Life Coach

Why I became certified Life, Health, and Wellness Coach

I know how it feels to be stuck, taken advantage of, overworked, helpless, continuously triggered, and in the dark about how to make a better life for myself and my family. Everyone goes through life and has bad seasons, and my experience of the bad season started in the summer of 2021.


That’s when my face was sandwiched in the hands of my four-year-old daughter, encouraging me not to cry about the abuse she had just witnessed. What I ran away from was occurring right in front of my eyes, and I decided that if I didn’t take a step in the right direction, this little girl would grow up thinking that abuse and living this way is okay.

Prior to this big event, every part of my marriage appeared to be wonderful, but no one knew the dark, abusive truth behind the scenes.


In reality, I was insecure, feeling defenseless, and trying to make ends meet to try to survive. Despite what seemed to be life people could ever dream about, I was barely surviving.



From Stuck to Being Fulfilled

Again, in 2021, my divorce was initiated; the abuse went from direct to indirect through the use of the court system to continue the cycle. In October 2021, after my first appearance in court, I decided to take a leave of absence from my nursing school program to focus on my mental health healing journey. I came across an incredible coaching program that allowed me to get out of the dark areas that I was suffering. I also went to my go-to healing helper, my Christian faith, which allowed me to heal and grow. What I decided to do was to enter a school that would teach me the tricks and traits of what it means to be a coach. I wanted to help people who go through tough times because when we go through obstacles, the first step is to acknowledge that we need help. From there, we have to reach out for help to find the healing we need.


I tried to read all the self-help books, watch YouTube to learn from all the coaching gurus, and even Google searched, but nothing seemed to help. That’s when I discovered my coaching process program that allowed me to heal, learn, grow, and transform. Through this process, I was able to grow my understanding of who I am and heal by overcoming my insecurities, learning how to manage my stress, reducing my triggers, and improving my relationships that went sour during my abusive marriage years.

It’s Never Too Late

Although the thought of starting over is scary and might be frightening, the reality is that you can’t be doing the same thing and experience different results. You will be guided by me and have an accountability partner that you did not have before. After each program, autonomy is the end goal so that you can graduate the program with autonomous living.


You must be willing to be open, and honest with yourself, and let go of what no longer is serving you. When you do this, you will start seeing change. The first step is to acknowledge that something is not working anymore and release it from your life. The clearing out the clutter will be our first session for you, that will create the anchors to your next 11 weeks of healing journey.


You can stop the struggle that you are feeling and know that there is hope for change. When you are ready to work on yourself and let go of the rabbit hole of the same cycle, I encourage you to schedule the discovery session and get the guided plan for the change to take root for your life.


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